Genomic resources

Here we describe some of the genomic resources available for hexaploid wheat.

This section describes the wheat genome assemblies available, gene models, using EnsemblPlants to access wheat data, accessing wheat expression data, finding variation data and finding the wheat orthologue of genes from other species.

Please note that the information provided is one of many ways to access wheat genomic resources. We would be delighted to get feedback and incorporate new resources from the community as they become available.

Genome_assemblies_icon_200Gene_model_icon_200 EnsemblPrimer_icon_200Orthologues_icon_200
Genome assembliesGene modelsUsing Ensembl PlantsFinding wheat orthologs
Variation_icon_200 Expression_browsers_icon_200 Gene-Networks_icon_200
Variation dataExpression dataGene Networks



